Welcome to Dr Sam Newton’s Wuffings’ Website Website, which aims to provide a focus for the study of Sutton Hoo and the history and culture of the Wuffing Kingdom of East Anglia and beyond.
Please scroll down for information about (1) Wuffing Education study-days, study-mornings, and other events (2) my weekly seminars, (3) available lectures, (4) about me and my works, (5) my books and other publications, and (6) some old but still occasionally useful resources for Wuffing & Sutton Hoo Studies.
1. Wuffing Education Online Study-Days, Study-Mornings (Live and Online), and Lectures

Friday 14th February 2025: The Origins of the St Valentine’s Day – an online study-day with Dr Sam Newton FSA on the ancient Roman origins of this romantic holiday still celebrated every year. The feast of St Valentine appears to have been established between 492 and 496 by Pope Gelasius I, who also abolished the Bacchic rites of the Roman festival of Lupercalia, which were observed annually in Rome from 13th to 15th February. The rites of Lupercalia are described by the famous poet Ovid (died c. 18 AD) and beautifully illustrated in the treasure-hoards from Mildenhall and Thetford from late Roman Britain.
Friday 14th March 2025: What a Way to Go! The Sutton Hoo Ship-Burial’s 1400th Anniversary – an online study-day with Dr Sam Newton FSA. All aboard the dream-ship of Sutton Hoo 1400 years after the king embarked on his last voyage – and what a way to go! Beginning with a look at the powerful significance of the rite of ship-funeral, we shall then take a new look at the reality of some of the artistic and technical wonders stowed amidships in the light of recent work. Outstanding is the personal regalia of this warrior-king, especially the superb examples of gold cloisonné jewellery, with their beautiful inlays of garnet and blue glass, which reveal such a sophisticated synthesis of cross-cultural designs executed with such astonishing technical skill. This really was a golden age!
Above: One example of the gold and garnet cloisonné jewellery showing “such a sophisticated synthesis of cross-cultural designs executed with such astonishing technical skill” is this pair of little gold and garnet buttons from the Sutton Hoo scabbard-belt (©Dr Sam Newton 24th April 2002), probably made in nearby Rendlesham. One is 2.3 cms in diameter and made of 89.0% gold and 10.6% silver. The other is 2.0 cms in diameter and made of 86.5% gold and 10.5% silver. Each is inlaid with 110 garnets (underlain with light-catching gold foils) some of them tiny, yet all cut to fit exactly into their gold cells. Note the perfect geometrical design and the use of lighter-hued garnets, which recent research shows came from from Sri Lanka and Bohemia, to form crosses against a background of darker red garnets from India.
Friday 21st March 2025: Monastic Landscapes of East Anglia and Beyond – an online study-day with Dr Richard Hoggett FSA MCIfA. On the festival-day of St Benedict, the great pioneer of medieval monasticism, a fresh look at monasteries and how they shaped the medieval landscapes of East Anglia and England.
Friday 28th March 2025: The Return of the Viking Armies 892-896 – an online study-day with Dr Gareth Williams following the fortunes and misfortunes of the new wave of Viking armies that invaded England in the latter part of the reign of King Alfred.
Friday 4th April 2025: The Old English Eastertide – an online study-day with Dr Sam Newton FSA evoking the magic of the old Eastertide festival with a look at its pre-Christian origins and the way in which it was celebrated in early England.
– more events to be announced soon –
– click here for the full programme on Eventbrite –
– please note that these events are not recorded –
2. Weekly Morning Seminars in Sutton Hoo Studies 2024-2025, live and online
3. If you wish to book me to deliver a lecture or study-day, click here for a selection of titles.
4. About Me and My Works
5. My Books:
1. The Reckoning of King Rædwald (2003)
2. The Origins of Beowulf and the pre-Viking Kingdom of East Anglia (1993)
My more recent published papers, such as “The Forgotten History of St Bótwulf (Botolph)” (2016), can be downloaded from my page on Academia .
Above: Dawn over Iken Hoo, where St Bótwulf (Botolph) founded his famous minster in 654. Thanks to Dominic for this picture ©Iken Canoe Hire (the best way to view Iken Hoo is from a canoe).
6. Resources for Wuffing Studies:
Wuffings’ Who Was Who (genealogical & historical information)
Sutton Hoo: Burial-Ground of the Wuffings (some of the wonders of the royal ship-burial)
Wuffing and Related Places of Interest (sites where the Wuffings walked; and more) – work in progress
In Defence of the Wuffings (Book Review) – my response to some of Professor Martin Carver’s theories about Sutton Hoo and the kings of East Anglia.
Sutton Hoo: Burial-Ground of Dissidents? – further thoughts on Professor Martin Carver’s theories about Sutton Hoo.
Some Wuffing Studies’ reading lists
Some Old Links to related Websites